List of Insults

For the purpose of this website, an insult (sometimes also called slur, pejorative, term of abuse, term of disparagement, maledictum, etc.) is a word which can be used to insult another person by name-calling. For example "idiot" is a slur, because if you say to somebody "You are an idiot!", then this is usually considered to be an insulting name-calling.

List of English insults

  1. abomination
  2. abshole
  3. absolute zero
  4. accident
  5. acrotomophile
  6. addle-brain
  7. addle head
  8. addle pate
  9. a-hole
  10. airhead
  11. alcatote
  12. anarchist
  13. animal
  14. animal food trough wiper
  15. anorak
  16. antilesbian
  17. anus
  18. anushole
  19. anus licker
  20. ape
  21. apefucker
  22. arse
  23. arsebadger
  24. arsebreath
  25. arseface
  26. arsehole
  27. arse-licker
  28. ass
  29. assaholic
  30. ass bag
  31. ass bitch
  32. ass clown
  33. asscunt
  34. assface
  35. assfucker
  36. asshat
  37. asshole
  38. asshole licker
  39. ass-kisser
  40. ass licker
  41. ass master
  42. assmonkey
  43. assmouth
  44. assmunch
  45. ass-nugget
  46. asspussy
  47. ass rammer
  48. ass sucker
  49. asstard
  50. asswagon
  51. assweed
  52. asswhore
  53. asswipe
  54. aunt fucker
  55. autofellator
  56. baboon
  57. baby
  58. baby butcher
  59. baby maker
  60. backstabber
  61. backwoodsman
  62. badass
  63. badasshole
  64. bad bitch
  65. bad boy
  66. baddie
  67. baddy
  68. bad friend
  69. badgerfucker
  70. bad girl
  71. bad guy
  72. bad nut
  73. bad squishies
  74. bad squishy
  75. baduns
  76. bag of dicks
  77. bag of hammers
  78. bag whore
  79. ballkicker
  80. ball licker
  81. ball of rage
  82. balloon head
  83. ballsack
  84. bandit
  85. barbarian
  86. Barbie-fucker
  87. barnacle head
  88. bashful Beethoven
  89. basshole
  90. bastard
  91. bawbag
  92. bawtboy
  93. bayard
  94. bean head
  95. bear
  96. beast
  97. beast of burden
  98. beaver
  99. Becky
  100. bedwetter
  101. beetlehead
  102. beggar
  103. beginner
  104. belch
  105. beldame
  106. bell-end
  107. belly button
  108. belly-god
  109. belly itcher
  110. berk
  111. bespawler
  112. beta
  113. beta cuck
  114. biatch
  115. bimbo
  116. biopirate
  117. birdbrain
  118. birdfucker
  119. bish
  120. bitch
  121. bitch-ass
  122. bitch boy
  123. bitchcunt
  124. bitchface
  125. bitchfucker
  126. bitchtits
  127. bitchwad
  128. bitchwhore
  129. bitchzilla
  130. biter
  131. biznatch
  132. blabbermouth
  133. blackguard
  134. blaggard
  135. bleeder
  136. blockhead
  137. bloodsucker
  138. blowhard
  139. blubber butt
  140. blubber gut
  141. bludger
  142. blue meanie
  143. bluntie
  144. bobchin
  145. body-shamer
  146. body snatcher
  147. bogeyman
  148. bonehead
  149. boob
  150. booby
  151. booby turds
  152. booger
  153. booger brain
  154. boomer
  155. bootlicker
  156. booty
  157. boozer
  158. bop
  159. bot
  160. box of dildos
  161. boyfucker
  162. bozo
  163. braindead
  164. brainlet
  165. brainrot
  166. brat
  167. bratface
  168. breeder
  169. brickfucker
  170. brickhead
  171. brotherfucker
  172. brown nose
  173. brown noser
  174. Brussels sprout
  175. brute
  176. bubbler
  177. buffoon
  178. bugfucker
  179. bugger
  180. bull
  181. bull dyke
  182. bullfuck
  183. bully
  184. bullyman
  185. bum
  186. bumbo
  187. bum chum
  188. bum-fucker
  189. bum head
  190. bunghole
  191. bungholio
  192. burden
  193. burp
  194. butt
  195. buttass
  196. buttbreath
  197. butt cough
  198. butterball
  199. butterhead
  200. buttface
  201. butt farter
  202. buttfucker
  203. butthead
  204. butthole
  205. butt hunter
  206. buttkisser
  207. buttknocker
  208. butt knuckler
  209. buttlicker
  210. butt-lord
  211. buttmunch
  212. butt nugget
  213. butt pirate
  214. butt sniffer
  215. butt tickler
  216. buttwad
  217. butt-wipe
  218. cack
  219. cad
  220. camelfucker
  221. candyass
  222. cannibal
  223. carny
  224. carpet muncher
  225. carton girl
  226. cat
  227. catfucker
  228. catnapper
  229. caveman
  230. chauvinist
  231. chav
  232. cheater
  233. cheese sucker
  234. chicken
  235. chickenfucker
  236. chickenhawk
  237. chicken shit
  238. childfucker
  239. child predator
  240. chill girl
  241. chit
  242. choad
  243. chomo
  244. chubby chaser
  245. chucklehead
  246. chump
  247. churl
  248. clart
  249. climate-change hysteric
  250. climate hysteric
  251. clit
  252. clitbag
  253. clithead
  254. clit spasm
  255. clod
  256. clown
  257. clunge
  258. cock
  259. cockalorum
  260. cockbite
  261. cockboy
  262. cockburger
  263. cockfucker
  264. cockhead
  265. cock holster
  266. cock-juggling thunder cunt
  267. cockmaster
  268. cocknose
  269. cockroach
  270. cocksucker
  271. cocktease
  272. cockwaddle
  273. cockweasel
  274. cockwomble
  275. coffee-snob
  276. commie
  277. common mobile vulgaris
  278. common sneak theif
  279. con man
  280. con merchant
  281. coochie-ass
  282. coomer
  283. coprophile
  284. corpsefucker
  285. couch potato
  286. cougar
  287. country bumpkin
  288. cousinfucker
  289. cousin humper
  290. cow
  291. coward
  292. cowardy custard
  293. cowfucker
  294. crab
  295. crackhead
  296. crack whore
  297. crap eater
  298. craphole
  299. creep
  300. creeper
  301. cretin
  302. crikey
  303. criminal
  304. crook
  305. crotch
  306. crud
  307. crud head
  308. crybaby
  309. cuck
  310. cuck fluffer
  311. cuckold
  312. culprit
  313. cumbubble
  314. cumbucket
  315. cum burgler
  316. cum dumpster
  317. cumfucker
  318. cum guzzler
  319. cum licker
  320. cumslut
  321. cumstain
  322. cumwipe
  323. cunning linguist
  324. cunt
  325. cuntass
  326. cuntbiscuit
  327. cuntbitch
  328. cuntbreath
  329. cuntface
  330. cunt fart
  331. cuntfucker
  332. cunthead
  333. cuntlicker
  334. cunt muncher
  335. cuntpuddle
  336. cunt rag
  337. cuntshit
  338. cuntsucker
  339. cuntzilla
  340. cuss
  341. custard
  342. cutthroat
  343. daddyfucker
  344. dandiprat
  345. dark prince
  346. daughterfucker
  347. deadhead
  348. debauchee
  349. degenerate
  350. DEI hire
  351. delinquent
  352. demon
  353. dendrophiliac
  354. der-brain
  355. derp
  356. desperado
  357. devil
  358. devil hooch
  359. devil woman
  360. dick
  361. dickass
  362. dickbag
  363. dickbreath
  364. dickcheese
  365. dickface
  366. dickfart
  367. dickfucker
  368. dickhead
  369. dickhole
  370. dickless
  371. dicklicker
  372. dick man
  373. dick mouth
  374. dickshitter
  375. dick sniffer
  376. dicksplash
  377. dick-sucker
  378. dicktard
  379. dicktator
  380. dicktits
  381. dickwad
  382. dickweasel
  383. dickweed
  384. diddler
  385. dildo
  386. dillhole
  387. dill pickle
  388. dim bulb
  389. dimmadumbass
  390. dimwit
  391. ding-a-ling
  392. ding-dong
  393. ding-head
  394. dingleberry
  395. dinglebop
  396. dingus
  397. dinosaur
  398. dipass
  399. dipfuck
  400. dipshit
  401. dipstick
  402. dirtbag
  403. dirtbrain
  404. dirthead
  405. dirt muncher
  406. dirtwad
  407. dirty bunch
  408. discord mod
  409. disgrace
  410. div
  411. diversity hire
  412. divvy
  413. dodo
  414. dog
  415. dogbolt
  416. dogbreath
  417. dogfucker
  418. dognapper
  419. dolt
  420. donk
  421. donkey
  422. donkey dick
  423. donkeyfucker
  424. donkeyhole
  425. doodle
  426. doofus
  427. dookie
  428. dope
  429. dopester
  430. dote
  431. dotterel
  432. douche
  433. douche bag
  434. doucheburger
  435. douche canoe
  436. douchefag
  437. douchelord
  438. douche nark
  439. douche nozzle
  440. douchewad
  441. douchewagon
  442. dracula
  443. dragon
  444. dreamer
  445. drip
  446. drug addict
  447. druggie
  448. druggy
  449. drunkard
  450. duckfucker
  451. dude
  452. dullard
  453. dumbarse
  454. dumbass
  455. dumbbell
  456. dumb blonde
  457. dumb fucker
  458. dumbo
  459. dum-dum
  460. dummy
  461. dunce
  462. duncebucket
  463. dunderhead
  464. dupe
  465. dweeb
  466. dweebling
  467. dyke
  468. earthworm
  469. ecocrazy
  470. ecofreak
  471. ecohippie
  472. edgelord
  473. egghead
  474. egohead
  475. egotist
  476. emo
  477. enabler
  478. enviro
  479. envirotard
  480. eunuch
  481. evildoer
  482. fag
  483. faggot
  484. fag tits
  485. failed abortion
  486. failure
  487. fairy
  488. faker
  489. fakkfish
  490. fanny
  491. fannyflaps
  492. fantasshole
  493. fapper
  494. farmer
  495. fart
  496. fart balls
  497. fart boy
  498. farter
  499. fartface
  500. farthead
  501. fart hole
  502. fartknocker
  503. fartman
  504. fart smeller
  505. fart sucker
  506. fascist
  507. fatass
  508. fatface
  509. fatfuck
  510. fat geeze
  511. fat geezer
  512. fathead
  513. fatherfucker
  514. fatherless
  515. fatso
  516. fat-tard
  517. fatty
  518. fauxman
  519. feetlicks
  520. fellow
  521. fembot
  522. fenderhead
  523. fetus
  524. fib
  525. fibber
  526. fiddle
  527. fiddler
  528. fiend
  529. filth
  530. fink
  531. Fiona
  532. fish
  533. fish fucker
  534. fish killer
  535. fishwife
  536. fixer
  537. flag fucker
  538. flake
  539. flameout
  540. flange
  541. flat-earther
  542. flatfoot
  543. flatterer
  544. fleabag
  545. flip-flopper
  546. fluffy
  547. fon
  548. food snob
  549. fool
  550. foot-licker
  551. foreskin ripper
  552. foul mouth
  553. four eyes
  554. fraggle
  555. fraidy cat
  556. frat-boy bitch
  557. fraud
  558. freak
  559. freeloader
  560. friend of Dorothy
  561. fruit
  562. fruitcake
  563. fruit cup
  564. frump
  565. fuck
  566. fuckass
  567. fuckbait
  568. fuckboy
  569. fuckbucket
  570. fucker
  571. fuckface
  572. fuckhead
  573. fuckhole
  574. fucklord
  575. fuck noggin
  576. fucknose
  577. fucknozzle
  578. fuck nugget
  579. fuckrod
  580. fuckshit
  581. fuckskull
  582. fuckstain
  583. fuckster
  584. fucktard
  585. fucktoy
  586. fuck trumpet
  587. fuckweasel
  588. fuck whistle
  589. fuckwit
  590. fudge packer
  591. fudger
  592. fugly
  593. funpire
  594. furry
  595. futanari
  596. fuzznut
  597. gadfly
  598. gangster
  599. gaper
  600. garbage
  601. gawk
  602. gaytard
  603. gaywad
  604. geck
  605. geebag
  606. geek
  607. gentleman
  608. gestator
  609. gig
  610. gimp
  611. ginger
  612. gink
  613. girl
  614. girly
  615. git
  616. glutton
  617. glutton for punishment
  618. goblin
  619. gobshite
  620. gold digger
  621. goober
  622. good-for-nothing
  623. goody-goody
  624. Goody Two-Shoes
  625. goof
  626. goofball
  627. goofy
  628. goon
  629. gooner
  630. goontard
  631. goose
  632. gooseberry
  633. gorilla
  634. gowk
  635. grammar cop
  636. grammar nazi
  637. grammar police
  638. grandfatherfucker
  639. grandmotherfucker
  640. granny
  641. gravy face
  642. greeniac
  643. grimalkin
  644. grinch
  645. gronk
  646. grouch
  647. grumpy
  648. gubbins
  649. gump
  650. guttermouth
  651. hamster
  652. handfucker
  653. ha'p'orth
  654. hater
  655. headass
  656. he-bitch
  657. helldog
  658. hikikomori
  659. hilding
  660. hillbilly
  661. hippie
  662. Hismomgone
  663. Hitler
  664. Hitlerian
  665. Hitlerite
  666. ho
  667. hoarder
  668. hobbledehoy
  669. hobo
  670. hoe
  671. hog
  672. Homer Simpson
  673. homo
  674. homophobe
  675. homophobephobe
  676. honeypot
  677. hoodie
  678. hoodlum
  679. hooker
  680. hooligan
  681. hooplehead
  682. horndog
  683. hornswaggler
  684. horseface
  685. horsefucker
  686. horse's ass
  687. horse's necktie
  688. hosebag
  689. hoser
  690. human participation award
  691. hussy
  692. hyena
  693. hypocrite
  694. idiot
  695. idiotist
  696. idiot sandwich
  697. idiot savant
  698. idleton
  699. ignoramus
  700. imbecile
  701. inbred
  702. inbreeder
  703. incel
  704. incester
  705. innie
  706. intercourser
  707. jabroni
  708. jackass
  709. jackasshole
  710. jackhole
  711. jackwagon
  712. jagweed
  713. jailbait
  714. jamoke
  715. jeebweezer
  716. jelly
  717. jelly belly
  718. jelly roll
  719. jerk
  720. jerkoff
  721. jerkwad
  722. jerkweed
  723. Jesus freak
  724. jit stain
  725. jizzbreath
  726. jizzcock
  727. jizz guzzler
  728. jizz stain
  729. jizzwizard
  730. jock
  731. joker
  732. jokes
  733. jolterhead
  734. jolthead
  735. juggins
  736. junkie
  737. junky
  738. Karen
  739. keener
  740. Ken
  741. Kevin
  742. kevun
  743. keyboard warrior
  744. kiddie fiddler
  745. kiddy fiddler
  746. kidfucker
  747. killjoy
  748. king lesbian
  749. kinkster
  750. klutz
  751. knacker
  752. knob
  753. knobhead
  754. knobjockey
  755. knucklehead
  756. k-pooper
  757. Kyle
  758. lady of the evening
  759. lamebrain
  760. landwhale
  761. langer
  762. lard
  763. lardbucket
  764. lard butt
  765. lard face
  766. laughing stock
  767. leech
  768. lemon
  769. lesbianist
  770. lesbie
  771. lesbo
  772. lessie
  773. lez
  774. lezbo
  775. lezzer
  776. lezzie
  777. lezzo
  778. lezzy
  779. liar
  780. libtard
  781. lickspittle
  782. little buddy
  783. little puke baby
  784. loafer
  785. lobotomite
  786. lodge rat
  787. loser
  788. loserface
  789. loudmouth
  790. louse
  791. low-life
  792. lummox
  793. lunatic
  794. lunkhead
  795. lurdane
  796. lush
  797. mackerel
  798. madman
  799. maggot
  800. mamzer
  801. man cunt
  802. man-eater
  803. manwhore
  804. marauder
  805. masochist
  806. meanie
  807. meathead
  808. Meathead Fauncewater
  809. megabitch
  810. megadouche
  811. menstruator
  812. mental midget
  813. midget
  814. milk chugger
  815. milksop
  816. mime
  817. mingie
  818. minx
  819. Miss Ann
  820. missing link
  821. mistake
  822. Mister Charlie
  823. mistress of all evil
  824. mobster
  825. mofo
  826. Mohambie
  827. mongoose
  828. mongrel
  829. monkey
  830. monkeyface
  831. monkeyspank
  832. monster
  833. moocher
  834. mooncalf
  835. moron
  836. mother
  837. motherbitch
  838. mother father
  839. motherfucker
  840. mousefucker
  841. mouth breather
  842. Mr. Bungholio
  843. Mr. Obsessed
  844. Mrs. Quack-Quack
  845. Mr. Struggle
  846. Mr. Talk
  847. mucky pup
  848. muff diver
  849. mug
  850. muggins
  851. mule
  852. mullet
  853. mullet daddy
  854. mullethead
  855. mumbler
  856. mumpsimus
  857. mung
  858. muppet
  859. mush head
  860. mutant
  861. mutt
  862. mythic bitch
  863. nagger
  864. narcissist
  865. nark
  866. naysayer
  867. nazi
  868. neanderthal
  869. nebbish
  870. neckbeard
  871. necrophiliac
  872. ne'er-do-well
  873. neet
  874. negative Nancy
  875. nephew fucker
  876. nerf herder
  877. newbie
  878. niece fucker
  879. nimrod
  880. nincompoop
  881. ninny
  882. ninnyhammer
  883. nit
  884. nitwit
  885. nobody
  886. non
  887. nonce
  888. noob
  889. noodle
  890. numbnuts
  891. numbskull
  892. numps
  893. numpty
  894. numskull
  895. nupson
  896. nut
  897. nutcase
  898. nutjob
  899. nutsack
  900. oaf
  901. oddball
  902. offender
  903. ogre
  904. oinker
  905. Old Sport
  906. old woman
  907. oompa loompa
  908. orphan
  909. outcast
  910. outlaw
  911. oxygen thief
  912. pack
  913. packrat
  914. pain in the ass
  915. pain in the butt
  916. pain in the neck
  917. panini head
  918. pansy
  919. parasite
  920. pariah
  921. party pooper
  922. pavement princess
  923. PDF file
  924. peasant
  925. pedophile
  926. peehole
  927. peeping tom
  928. penchod
  929. pencil dick
  930. penis butt
  931. penis face
  932. penislicker
  933. penispuffer
  934. penis sucker
  935. perv
  936. pervert
  937. pettifogger
  938. philanderer
  939. phony
  940. pickle-puss
  941. pickpocket
  942. piece of crap
  943. piece of garbage
  944. piece of junk
  945. piece of shit
  946. piece of trash
  947. piece of work
  948. pie hole
  949. pig
  950. pig-dog
  951. pig-farmer
  952. pigfucker
  953. piggy
  954. piggy-wiggy
  955. pig shite
  956. pig-slammer
  957. pig slop
  958. pigslut
  959. pikspiller
  960. pilgarlic
  961. pillock
  962. pimp
  963. pimple
  964. pimple face
  965. pinhead
  966. pirate
  967. pissbaby
  968. pissbrain
  969. pissbreath
  970. pissface
  971. piss gulper
  972. pisshead
  973. pisskidney
  974. piss monkey
  975. piss pig
  976. pisspot
  977. pisswizard
  978. pissy bitch
  979. pizzaface
  980. pleb
  981. plonker
  982. pooface
  983. poohead
  984. poop
  985. poopeater
  986. pooper
  987. poopface
  988. poopfucker
  989. poop hole
  990. pooplicker
  991. poopy head
  992. poopy pants
  993. porno freak
  994. porn star
  995. potato
  996. pothead
  997. potty head
  998. potty mouth
  999. prat
  1000. predator
  1001. prick
  1002. prickface
  1003. primadonna
  1004. problem
  1005. Professor Environment
  1006. Professor Environment Pants
  1007. Professor Killjoy
  1008. prom night dumpster baby
  1009. pro skirt
  1010. pseudointellectual
  1011. psycho
  1012. pube flosser
  1013. pudding
  1014. pudwhacker
  1015. puff
  1016. puke
  1017. puke baby
  1018. puke bag
  1019. pukeball
  1020. pukeface
  1021. pulp gulper
  1022. pumpkin eater
  1023. punk
  1024. punkass
  1025. punter
  1026. puppet
  1027. pus licker
  1028. pussy
  1029. pussyboy
  1030. pussyfucker
  1031. pussy pisser
  1032. pussy sucker
  1033. puta
  1034. pyramidiot
  1035. quack
  1036. quat
  1037. queef
  1038. queef cookie
  1039. queer bait
  1040. querulant
  1041. quim
  1042. quitter
  1043. raasclaat
  1044. rabbitfucker
  1045. ranga
  1046. rascal
  1047. rat
  1048. ratcatcher
  1049. ratfink
  1050. ratfucker
  1051. rectal semen splooge
  1052. rectal wart
  1053. redneck
  1054. reject
  1055. renegade
  1056. reprobate
  1057. retard
  1058. retarded
  1059. riff-raff
  1060. riot
  1061. roaster
  1062. robber
  1063. robot
  1064. rock whore
  1065. rogue
  1066. roue
  1067. roughneck
  1068. rowdy
  1069. rudesby
  1070. ruffian
  1071. rug muncher
  1072. ruler of the weak
  1073. Rumpleforeskin
  1074. runt
  1075. sadist
  1076. saggy fuck
  1077. saprophyte
  1078. sausage-masseuse
  1079. scaredy-cat
  1080. scene boy
  1081. schizophrenic
  1082. schlimazel
  1083. schlub
  1084. schmo
  1085. schmuck
  1086. schnorrer
  1087. scobberlotcher
  1088. scoozie
  1089. scoundrel
  1090. screw
  1091. screw up
  1092. scrote
  1093. scrotum licker
  1094. scrotum-sucker
  1095. scuddle butt
  1096. scum
  1097. scumbag
  1098. scumbreath
  1099. scumbutt
  1100. scumface
  1101. scumfuck
  1102. scumhead
  1103. scumlord
  1104. scumwad
  1105. scuzzbag
  1106. scuzzball
  1107. scuzzbucket
  1108. scuzzoid
  1109. seedling of satan
  1110. see you next Tuesday
  1111. serf
  1112. sewer rat
  1113. sex haver
  1114. sex maniac
  1115. sexter
  1116. shark
  1117. sharmuta
  1118. she-devil
  1119. sheepfucker
  1120. sheepshagger
  1121. she-male
  1122. she-ogre
  1123. shill
  1124. shit
  1125. shitass
  1126. shitbag
  1127. shitball
  1128. shitbird
  1129. shitbrain
  1130. shitbreath
  1131. shitbucket
  1132. shitbum
  1133. shitcunt
  1134. shitdick
  1135. shite
  1136. shit-eater
  1137. shitehawk
  1138. shitface
  1139. shitfag
  1140. shit-for-brains
  1141. shitfuck
  1142. shitfucker
  1143. shitgoblin
  1144. shithead
  1145. shithouse
  1146. shitizen
  1147. shitkicker
  1148. Shitler
  1149. shitlord
  1150. shitmagnet
  1151. shitneck
  1152. shitnugget
  1153. shitpicker
  1154. shitpiss
  1155. shitpot
  1156. shitpouch
  1157. shitpuddle
  1158. shitsack
  1159. shitshow
  1160. shit sniffer
  1161. shit stain
  1162. shitter
  1163. shitty titty jelly belly
  1164. shitweasel
  1165. shmekl
  1166. show off
  1167. shrek
  1168. shrew
  1169. shuzzbutt
  1170. shyster
  1171. sibling fucker
  1172. sick
  1173. silly king-a
  1174. simp
  1175. simpleton
  1176. sissy
  1177. sisterfucker
  1178. sister humper
  1179. skank
  1180. sket
  1181. skibidi Ohio rizz
  1182. skinflint
  1183. skirt-chaser
  1184. skite
  1185. skullfucker
  1186. skunk
  1187. skunkfucker
  1188. slacker
  1189. slag
  1190. slam-pig
  1191. slaphead
  1192. slave
  1193. slay queen
  1194. sleaze
  1195. sleazebag
  1196. sleazeball
  1197. sleazewad
  1198. sleeze
  1199. sleeze bag
  1200. slimeface
  1201. slob
  1202. slop
  1203. slut
  1204. slutbag
  1205. slutfucker
  1206. sluthead
  1207. smell-feast
  1208. smellfungus
  1209. smooth brain
  1210. smughead
  1211. snail
  1212. snake
  1213. snapperhead
  1214. sneak
  1215. sneakerhead
  1216. sneak theif
  1217. snob
  1218. snollygoster
  1219. snot
  1220. snotball
  1221. snotface
  1222. snothead
  1223. snot nose
  1224. snotwad
  1225. snowflake
  1226. so-and-so
  1227. SOB
  1228. softhead
  1229. son of a biscuit
  1230. son of a bitch
  1231. son of a bucket
  1232. son of a gun
  1233. son of a jackal
  1234. son of a monkey
  1235. son of a motherless goat
  1236. son of a mother trucker
  1237. son of a nutcracker
  1238. son of a sea-cook
  1239. son of a silly person
  1240. son of a whore
  1241. son of Lucifer
  1242. son of satan
  1243. son of stench
  1244. son of the devil
  1245. sot
  1246. sourhead
  1247. sourpuss
  1248. sow
  1249. soy boy
  1250. spack
  1251. spammer
  1252. spastic
  1253. sped
  1254. sphincter
  1255. spider
  1256. splenetic
  1257. splooge moose
  1258. sponge
  1259. spotted hyena
  1260. square
  1261. Squeaker
  1262. squib
  1263. squid brain
  1264. stan
  1265. stealer
  1266. stick in the mud
  1267. stink cunt
  1268. stinker
  1269. stinkhole
  1270. Stinky McPoopPants
  1271. stone butch
  1272. straggot
  1273. strawberry
  1274. stupidhead
  1275. sucker
  1276. swindler
  1277. swine
  1278. swinger
  1279. sycophant
  1280. tabby cat
  1281. taint hair
  1282. taint sniffer
  1283. tard
  1284. tarter
  1285. tattletale
  1286. teacher's pet
  1287. TERF
  1288. terrorist
  1289. thickhead
  1290. thief
  1291. Thing One
  1292. Thing Two
  1293. thot
  1294. thotpocket
  1295. threat
  1296. throat-slitter
  1297. thug
  1298. thundercunt
  1299. tit
  1300. titbag
  1301. tithead
  1302. titty burgers
  1303. titty jelly belly
  1304. toad
  1305. toady
  1306. todger
  1307. toe eyed cabbage
  1308. toenail
  1309. toe-sucker
  1310. toilet baby
  1311. tomato
  1312. tool
  1313. toots
  1314. tosser
  1315. tosspot
  1316. trailer trash
  1317. traitor
  1318. tramp
  1319. tranny
  1320. transbian
  1321. trash
  1322. trash bag
  1323. tree hugger
  1324. tripper
  1325. troglodyte
  1326. troll
  1327. trollface
  1328. trolltard
  1329. troublemaker
  1330. tub of lard
  1331. turd
  1332. turdball
  1333. turdbucket
  1334. turd burger
  1335. turd burglar
  1336. turd cutter
  1337. turd hound
  1338. turdpile
  1339. turkey
  1340. twat
  1341. twat face
  1342. twattock
  1343. twatwaffle
  1344. twerp
  1345. twit
  1346. twitter feminist
  1347. twunt
  1348. tyrant
  1349. tyre biter
  1350. ugly face
  1351. U-Haul lesbian
  1352. unclefucker
  1353. underperson
  1354. unseasoned cabage
  1355. urchin
  1356. vagina cleaner
  1357. vaginal belch
  1358. vagina-owner
  1359. vampire
  1360. vampire bat
  1361. vandal
  1362. vantz
  1363. varmint
  1364. vaxhole
  1365. vegetable
  1366. vermin
  1367. vexer
  1368. vidiot
  1369. vine sucker
  1370. Vinnie
  1371. vixen
  1372. vonce
  1373. vulgaris
  1374. vulva owner
  1375. wacko
  1376. waffle stomper
  1377. wallflower
  1378. wally
  1379. wanker
  1380. wankface
  1381. wank stain
  1382. wantwit
  1383. wart
  1384. warthog
  1385. wart kisser
  1386. wasbian
  1387. waste of oxygen
  1388. waste of space
  1389. wazzock
  1390. weakling
  1391. weasel
  1392. weeaboo
  1393. weeb
  1394. weed
  1395. weeze bag
  1396. weirdo
  1397. welfare queen
  1398. wet
  1399. whiner
  1400. white rat
  1401. whore
  1402. whore bag
  1403. whorefucker
  1404. whore's-bird
  1405. whoreson
  1406. willy
  1407. wimp
  1408. windfucker
  1409. window licker
  1410. windsucker
  1411. wino
  1412. wit
  1413. witch
  1414. woketard
  1415. womanizer
  1416. woman of the evening
  1417. woo woo
  1418. worm
  1419. wretch
  1420. wrongdoer
  1421. wuss
  1422. xenomaniac
  1423. xenophile
  1424. xenophobe
  1425. xyrophobe
  1426. yahoo
  1427. yampy
  1428. yapper
  1429. yes-man
  1430. yeti
  1431. yiffer
  1432. younker
  1433. yo-yo
  1434. yuck
  1435. yutz
  1436. zebrafucker
  1437. zitface
  1438. zoophile
  1439. zounderkite

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