List of Insults
For the purpose of this website, an insult (sometimes also called slur, pejorative,
term of abuse, term of disparagement, maledictum, etc.) is a word which can be
used to insult another person by name-calling. For example "idiot" is a slur,
because if you say to somebody "You are an idiot!", then this is usually considered
to be an insulting name-calling.
List of English insults
- abomination
- abshole
- absolute zero
- accident
- acrotomophile
- addle-brain
- addle head
- addle pate
- a-hole
- airhead
- alcatote
- anarchist
- animal
- animal food trough wiper
- anorak
- antilesbian
- anus
- anushole
- anus licker
- ape
- apefucker
- arse
- arsebadger
- arsebreath
- arseface
- arsehole
- arse-licker
- ass
- assaholic
- ass bag
- ass bitch
- ass clown
- asscunt
- assface
- assfucker
- asshat
- asshole
- asshole licker
- ass-kisser
- ass licker
- ass master
- assmonkey
- assmouth
- assmunch
- ass-nugget
- asspussy
- ass rammer
- ass sucker
- asstard
- asswagon
- assweed
- asswhore
- asswipe
- aunt fucker
- autofellator
- baboon
- baby
- baby butcher
- baby maker
- backstabber
- backwoodsman
- badass
- badasshole
- bad bitch
- bad boy
- baddie
- baddy
- bad friend
- badgerfucker
- bad girl
- bad guy
- bad nut
- bad squishies
- bad squishy
- baduns
- bag of dicks
- bag of hammers
- bag whore
- ballkicker
- ball licker
- ball of rage
- balloon head
- ballsack
- bandit
- barbarian
- Barbie-fucker
- barnacle head
- bashful Beethoven
- basshole
- bastard
- bawbag
- bawtboy
- bayard
- bean head
- bear
- beast
- beast of burden
- beaver
- Becky
- bedwetter
- beetlehead
- beggar
- beginner
- belch
- beldame
- bell-end
- belly button
- belly-god
- belly itcher
- berk
- bespawler
- beta
- beta cuck
- biatch
- bimbo
- biopirate
- birdbrain
- birdfucker
- bish
- bitch
- bitch-ass
- bitch boy
- bitchcunt
- bitchface
- bitchfucker
- bitchtits
- bitchwad
- bitchwhore
- bitchzilla
- biter
- biznatch
- blabbermouth
- blackguard
- blaggard
- bleeder
- blockhead
- bloodsucker
- blowhard
- blubber butt
- blubber gut
- bludger
- blue meanie
- bluntie
- bobchin
- body-shamer
- body snatcher
- bogeyman
- bonehead
- boob
- booby
- booby turds
- booger
- booger brain
- boomer
- bootlicker
- booty
- boozer
- bop
- bot
- box of dildos
- boyfucker
- bozo
- braindead
- brainlet
- brainrot
- brat
- bratface
- breeder
- brickfucker
- brickhead
- brotherfucker
- brown nose
- brown noser
- Brussels sprout
- brute
- bubbler
- buffoon
- bugfucker
- bugger
- bull
- bull dyke
- bullfuck
- bully
- bullyman
- bum
- bumbo
- bum chum
- bum-fucker
- bum head
- bunghole
- bungholio
- burden
- burp
- butt
- buttass
- buttbreath
- butt cough
- butterball
- butterhead
- buttface
- butt farter
- buttfucker
- butthead
- butthole
- butt hunter
- buttkisser
- buttknocker
- butt knuckler
- buttlicker
- butt-lord
- buttmunch
- butt nugget
- butt pirate
- butt sniffer
- butt tickler
- buttwad
- butt-wipe
- cack
- cad
- camelfucker
- candyass
- cannibal
- carny
- carpet muncher
- carton girl
- cat
- catfucker
- catnapper
- caveman
- chauvinist
- chav
- cheater
- cheese sucker
- chicken
- chickenfucker
- chickenhawk
- chicken shit
- childfucker
- child predator
- chill girl
- chit
- choad
- chomo
- chubby chaser
- chucklehead
- chump
- churl
- clart
- climate-change hysteric
- climate hysteric
- clit
- clitbag
- clithead
- clit spasm
- clod
- clown
- clunge
- cock
- cockalorum
- cockbite
- cockboy
- cockburger
- cockfucker
- cockhead
- cock holster
- cock-juggling thunder cunt
- cockmaster
- cocknose
- cockroach
- cocksucker
- cocktease
- cockwaddle
- cockweasel
- cockwomble
- coffee-snob
- commie
- common mobile vulgaris
- common sneak theif
- con man
- con merchant
- coochie-ass
- coomer
- coprophile
- corpsefucker
- couch potato
- cougar
- country bumpkin
- cousinfucker
- cousin humper
- cow
- coward
- cowardy custard
- cowfucker
- crab
- crackhead
- crack whore
- crap eater
- craphole
- creep
- creeper
- cretin
- crikey
- criminal
- crook
- crotch
- crud
- crud head
- crybaby
- cuck
- cuck fluffer
- cuckold
- culprit
- cumbubble
- cumbucket
- cum burgler
- cum dumpster
- cumfucker
- cum guzzler
- cum licker
- cumslut
- cumstain
- cumwipe
- cunning linguist
- cunt
- cuntass
- cuntbiscuit
- cuntbitch
- cuntbreath
- cuntface
- cunt fart
- cuntfucker
- cunthead
- cuntlicker
- cunt muncher
- cuntpuddle
- cunt rag
- cuntshit
- cuntsucker
- cuntzilla
- cuss
- custard
- cutthroat
- daddyfucker
- dandiprat
- dark prince
- daughterfucker
- deadhead
- debauchee
- degenerate
- DEI hire
- delinquent
- demon
- dendrophiliac
- der-brain
- derp
- desperado
- devil
- devil hooch
- devil woman
- dick
- dickass
- dickbag
- dickbreath
- dickcheese
- dickface
- dickfart
- dickfucker
- dickhead
- dickhole
- dickless
- dicklicker
- dick man
- dick mouth
- dickshitter
- dick sniffer
- dicksplash
- dick-sucker
- dicktard
- dicktator
- dicktits
- dickwad
- dickweasel
- dickweed
- diddler
- dildo
- dillhole
- dill pickle
- dim bulb
- dimmadumbass
- dimwit
- ding-a-ling
- ding-dong
- ding-head
- dingleberry
- dinglebop
- dingus
- dinosaur
- dipass
- dipfuck
- dipshit
- dipstick
- dirtbag
- dirtbrain
- dirthead
- dirt muncher
- dirtwad
- dirty bunch
- discord mod
- disgrace
- div
- diversity hire
- divvy
- dodo
- dog
- dogbolt
- dogbreath
- dogfucker
- dognapper
- dolt
- donk
- donkey
- donkey dick
- donkeyfucker
- donkeyhole
- doodle
- doofus
- dookie
- dope
- dopester
- dote
- dotterel
- douche
- douche bag
- doucheburger
- douche canoe
- douchefag
- douchelord
- douche nark
- douche nozzle
- douchewad
- douchewagon
- dracula
- dragon
- dreamer
- drip
- drug addict
- druggie
- druggy
- drunkard
- duckfucker
- dude
- dullard
- dumbarse
- dumbass
- dumbbell
- dumb blonde
- dumb fucker
- dumbo
- dum-dum
- dummy
- dunce
- duncebucket
- dunderhead
- dupe
- dweeb
- dweebling
- dyke
- earthworm
- ecocrazy
- ecofreak
- ecohippie
- edgelord
- egghead
- egohead
- egotist
- emo
- enabler
- enviro
- envirotard
- eunuch
- evildoer
- fag
- faggot
- fag tits
- failed abortion
- failure
- fairy
- faker
- fakkfish
- fanny
- fannyflaps
- fantasshole
- fapper
- farmer
- fart
- fart balls
- fart boy
- farter
- fartface
- farthead
- fart hole
- fartknocker
- fartman
- fart smeller
- fart sucker
- fascist
- fatass
- fatface
- fatfuck
- fat geeze
- fat geezer
- fathead
- fatherfucker
- fatherless
- fatso
- fat-tard
- fatty
- fauxman
- feetlicks
- fellow
- fembot
- fenderhead
- fetus
- fib
- fibber
- fiddle
- fiddler
- fiend
- filth
- fink
- Fiona
- fish
- fish fucker
- fish killer
- fishwife
- fixer
- flag fucker
- flake
- flameout
- flange
- flat-earther
- flatfoot
- flatterer
- fleabag
- flip-flopper
- fluffy
- fon
- food snob
- fool
- foot-licker
- foreskin ripper
- foul mouth
- four eyes
- fraggle
- fraidy cat
- frat-boy bitch
- fraud
- freak
- freeloader
- friend of Dorothy
- fruit
- fruitcake
- fruit cup
- frump
- fuck
- fuckass
- fuckbait
- fuckboy
- fuckbucket
- fucker
- fuckface
- fuckhead
- fuckhole
- fucklord
- fuck noggin
- fucknose
- fucknozzle
- fuck nugget
- fuckrod
- fuckshit
- fuckskull
- fuckstain
- fuckster
- fucktard
- fucktoy
- fuck trumpet
- fuckweasel
- fuck whistle
- fuckwit
- fudge packer
- fudger
- fugly
- funpire
- furry
- futanari
- fuzznut
- gadfly
- gangster
- gaper
- garbage
- gawk
- gaytard
- gaywad
- geck
- geebag
- geek
- gentleman
- gestator
- gig
- gimp
- ginger
- gink
- girl
- girly
- git
- glutton
- glutton for punishment
- goblin
- gobshite
- gold digger
- goober
- good-for-nothing
- goody-goody
- Goody Two-Shoes
- goof
- goofball
- goofy
- goon
- gooner
- goontard
- goose
- gooseberry
- gorilla
- gowk
- grammar cop
- grammar nazi
- grammar police
- grandfatherfucker
- grandmotherfucker
- granny
- gravy face
- greeniac
- grimalkin
- grinch
- gronk
- grouch
- grumpy
- gubbins
- gump
- guttermouth
- hamster
- handfucker
- ha'p'orth
- hater
- headass
- he-bitch
- helldog
- hikikomori
- hilding
- hillbilly
- hippie
- Hismomgone
- Hitler
- Hitlerian
- Hitlerite
- ho
- hoarder
- hobbledehoy
- hobo
- hoe
- hog
- Homer Simpson
- homo
- homophobe
- homophobephobe
- honeypot
- hoodie
- hoodlum
- hooker
- hooligan
- hooplehead
- horndog
- hornswaggler
- horseface
- horsefucker
- horse's ass
- horse's necktie
- hosebag
- hoser
- human participation award
- hussy
- hyena
- hypocrite
- idiot
- idiotist
- idiot sandwich
- idiot savant
- idleton
- ignoramus
- imbecile
- inbred
- inbreeder
- incel
- incester
- innie
- intercourser
- jabroni
- jackass
- jackasshole
- jackhole
- jackwagon
- jagweed
- jailbait
- jamoke
- jeebweezer
- jelly
- jelly belly
- jelly roll
- jerk
- jerkoff
- jerkwad
- jerkweed
- Jesus freak
- jit stain
- jizzbreath
- jizzcock
- jizz guzzler
- jizz stain
- jizzwizard
- jock
- joker
- jokes
- jolterhead
- jolthead
- juggins
- junkie
- junky
- Karen
- keener
- Ken
- Kevin
- kevun
- keyboard warrior
- kiddie fiddler
- kiddy fiddler
- kidfucker
- killjoy
- king lesbian
- kinkster
- klutz
- knacker
- knob
- knobhead
- knobjockey
- knucklehead
- k-pooper
- Kyle
- lady of the evening
- lamebrain
- landwhale
- langer
- lard
- lardbucket
- lard butt
- lard face
- laughing stock
- leech
- lemon
- lesbianist
- lesbie
- lesbo
- lessie
- lez
- lezbo
- lezzer
- lezzie
- lezzo
- lezzy
- liar
- libtard
- lickspittle
- little buddy
- little puke baby
- loafer
- lobotomite
- lodge rat
- loser
- loserface
- loudmouth
- louse
- low-life
- lummox
- lunatic
- lunkhead
- lurdane
- lush
- mackerel
- madman
- maggot
- mamzer
- man cunt
- man-eater
- manwhore
- marauder
- masochist
- meanie
- meathead
- Meathead Fauncewater
- megabitch
- megadouche
- menstruator
- mental midget
- midget
- milk chugger
- milksop
- mime
- mingie
- minx
- Miss Ann
- missing link
- mistake
- Mister Charlie
- mistress of all evil
- mobster
- mofo
- Mohambie
- mongoose
- mongrel
- monkey
- monkeyface
- monkeyspank
- monster
- moocher
- mooncalf
- moron
- mother
- motherbitch
- mother father
- motherfucker
- mousefucker
- mouth breather
- Mr. Bungholio
- Mr. Obsessed
- Mrs. Quack-Quack
- Mr. Struggle
- Mr. Talk
- mucky pup
- muff diver
- mug
- muggins
- mule
- mullet
- mullet daddy
- mullethead
- mumbler
- mumpsimus
- mung
- muppet
- mush head
- mutant
- mutt
- mythic bitch
- nagger
- narcissist
- nark
- naysayer
- nazi
- neanderthal
- nebbish
- neckbeard
- necrophiliac
- ne'er-do-well
- neet
- negative Nancy
- nephew fucker
- nerf herder
- newbie
- niece fucker
- nimrod
- nincompoop
- ninny
- ninnyhammer
- nit
- nitwit
- nobody
- non
- nonce
- noob
- noodle
- numbnuts
- numbskull
- numps
- numpty
- numskull
- nupson
- nut
- nutcase
- nutjob
- nutsack
- oaf
- oddball
- offender
- ogre
- oinker
- Old Sport
- old woman
- oompa loompa
- orphan
- outcast
- outlaw
- oxygen thief
- pack
- packrat
- pain in the ass
- pain in the butt
- pain in the neck
- panini head
- pansy
- parasite
- pariah
- party pooper
- pavement princess
- PDF file
- peasant
- pedophile
- peehole
- peeping tom
- penchod
- pencil dick
- penis butt
- penis face
- penislicker
- penispuffer
- penis sucker
- perv
- pervert
- pettifogger
- philanderer
- phony
- pickle-puss
- pickpocket
- piece of crap
- piece of garbage
- piece of junk
- piece of shit
- piece of trash
- piece of work
- pie hole
- pig
- pig-dog
- pig-farmer
- pigfucker
- piggy
- piggy-wiggy
- pig shite
- pig-slammer
- pig slop
- pigslut
- pikspiller
- pilgarlic
- pillock
- pimp
- pimple
- pimple face
- pinhead
- pirate
- pissbaby
- pissbrain
- pissbreath
- pissface
- piss gulper
- pisshead
- pisskidney
- piss monkey
- piss pig
- pisspot
- pisswizard
- pissy bitch
- pizzaface
- pleb
- plonker
- pooface
- poohead
- poop
- poopeater
- pooper
- poopface
- poopfucker
- poop hole
- pooplicker
- poopy head
- poopy pants
- porno freak
- porn star
- potato
- pothead
- potty head
- potty mouth
- prat
- predator
- prick
- prickface
- primadonna
- problem
- Professor Environment
- Professor Environment Pants
- Professor Killjoy
- prom night dumpster baby
- pro skirt
- pseudointellectual
- psycho
- pube flosser
- pudding
- pudwhacker
- puff
- puke
- puke baby
- puke bag
- pukeball
- pukeface
- pulp gulper
- pumpkin eater
- punk
- punkass
- punter
- puppet
- pus licker
- pussy
- pussyboy
- pussyfucker
- pussy pisser
- pussy sucker
- puta
- pyramidiot
- quack
- quat
- queef
- queef cookie
- queer bait
- querulant
- quim
- quitter
- raasclaat
- rabbitfucker
- ranga
- rascal
- rat
- ratcatcher
- ratfink
- ratfucker
- rectal semen splooge
- rectal wart
- redneck
- reject
- renegade
- reprobate
- retard
- retarded
- riff-raff
- riot
- roaster
- robber
- robot
- rock whore
- rogue
- roue
- roughneck
- rowdy
- rudesby
- ruffian
- rug muncher
- ruler of the weak
- Rumpleforeskin
- runt
- sadist
- saggy fuck
- saprophyte
- sausage-masseuse
- scaredy-cat
- scene boy
- schizophrenic
- schlimazel
- schlub
- schmo
- schmuck
- schnorrer
- scobberlotcher
- scoozie
- scoundrel
- screw
- screw up
- scrote
- scrotum licker
- scrotum-sucker
- scuddle butt
- scum
- scumbag
- scumbreath
- scumbutt
- scumface
- scumfuck
- scumhead
- scumlord
- scumwad
- scuzzbag
- scuzzball
- scuzzbucket
- scuzzoid
- seedling of satan
- see you next Tuesday
- serf
- sewer rat
- sex haver
- sex maniac
- sexter
- shark
- sharmuta
- she-devil
- sheepfucker
- sheepshagger
- she-male
- she-ogre
- shill
- shit
- shitass
- shitbag
- shitball
- shitbird
- shitbrain
- shitbreath
- shitbucket
- shitbum
- shitcunt
- shitdick
- shite
- shit-eater
- shitehawk
- shitface
- shitfag
- shit-for-brains
- shitfuck
- shitfucker
- shitgoblin
- shithead
- shithouse
- shitizen
- shitkicker
- Shitler
- shitlord
- shitmagnet
- shitneck
- shitnugget
- shitpicker
- shitpiss
- shitpot
- shitpouch
- shitpuddle
- shitsack
- shitshow
- shit sniffer
- shit stain
- shitter
- shitty titty jelly belly
- shitweasel
- shmekl
- show off
- shrek
- shrew
- shuzzbutt
- shyster
- sibling fucker
- sick
- silly king-a
- simp
- simpleton
- sissy
- sisterfucker
- sister humper
- skank
- sket
- skibidi Ohio rizz
- skinflint
- skirt-chaser
- skite
- skullfucker
- skunk
- skunkfucker
- slacker
- slag
- slam-pig
- slaphead
- slave
- slay queen
- sleaze
- sleazebag
- sleazeball
- sleazewad
- sleeze
- sleeze bag
- slimeface
- slob
- slop
- slut
- slutbag
- slutfucker
- sluthead
- smell-feast
- smellfungus
- smooth brain
- smughead
- snail
- snake
- snapperhead
- sneak
- sneakerhead
- sneak theif
- snob
- snollygoster
- snot
- snotball
- snotface
- snothead
- snot nose
- snotwad
- snowflake
- so-and-so
- softhead
- son of a biscuit
- son of a bitch
- son of a bucket
- son of a gun
- son of a jackal
- son of a monkey
- son of a motherless goat
- son of a mother trucker
- son of a nutcracker
- son of a sea-cook
- son of a silly person
- son of a whore
- son of Lucifer
- son of satan
- son of stench
- son of the devil
- sot
- sourhead
- sourpuss
- sow
- soy boy
- spack
- spammer
- spastic
- sped
- sphincter
- spider
- splenetic
- splooge moose
- sponge
- spotted hyena
- square
- Squeaker
- squib
- squid brain
- stan
- stealer
- stick in the mud
- stink cunt
- stinker
- stinkhole
- Stinky McPoopPants
- stone butch
- straggot
- strawberry
- stupidhead
- sucker
- swindler
- swine
- swinger
- sycophant
- tabby cat
- taint hair
- taint sniffer
- tard
- tarter
- tattletale
- teacher's pet
- terrorist
- thickhead
- thief
- Thing One
- Thing Two
- thot
- thotpocket
- threat
- throat-slitter
- thug
- thundercunt
- tit
- titbag
- tithead
- titty burgers
- titty jelly belly
- toad
- toady
- todger
- toe eyed cabbage
- toenail
- toe-sucker
- toilet baby
- tomato
- tool
- toots
- tosser
- tosspot
- trailer trash
- traitor
- tramp
- tranny
- transbian
- trash
- trash bag
- tree hugger
- tripper
- troglodyte
- troll
- trollface
- trolltard
- troublemaker
- tub of lard
- turd
- turdball
- turdbucket
- turd burger
- turd burglar
- turd cutter
- turd hound
- turdpile
- turkey
- twat
- twat face
- twattock
- twatwaffle
- twerp
- twit
- twitter feminist
- twunt
- tyrant
- tyre biter
- ugly face
- U-Haul lesbian
- unclefucker
- underperson
- unseasoned cabage
- urchin
- vagina cleaner
- vaginal belch
- vagina-owner
- vampire
- vampire bat
- vandal
- vantz
- varmint
- vaxhole
- vegetable
- vermin
- vexer
- vidiot
- vine sucker
- Vinnie
- vixen
- vonce
- vulgaris
- vulva owner
- wacko
- waffle stomper
- wallflower
- wally
- wanker
- wankface
- wank stain
- wantwit
- wart
- warthog
- wart kisser
- wasbian
- waste of oxygen
- waste of space
- wazzock
- weakling
- weasel
- weeaboo
- weeb
- weed
- weeze bag
- weirdo
- welfare queen
- wet
- whiner
- white rat
- whore
- whore bag
- whorefucker
- whore's-bird
- whoreson
- willy
- wimp
- windfucker
- window licker
- windsucker
- wino
- wit
- witch
- woketard
- womanizer
- woman of the evening
- woo woo
- worm
- wretch
- wrongdoer
- wuss
- xenomaniac
- xenophile
- xenophobe
- xyrophobe
- yahoo
- yampy
- yapper
- yes-man
- yeti
- yiffer
- younker
- yo-yo
- yuck
- yutz
- zebrafucker
- zitface
- zoophile
- zounderkite
Rules for this insult listing
- For the purpose of this website, an insult is a word which can be used to insult another
person by name-calling. For example "idiot" is an insult, because if you say to
somebody "You are an idiot!", then this is usually considered to be an insulting
name-calling. Words (like "
fucking", "shitting" and
various curses) are not considered
to be an insult, because even if they are "dirty words", they are not suitable for
insulting other people by name-calling.
- Only nouns are added (this means the noun "idiot" is acceptable, but the adjective
stupid" is not acceptable).
- Compound words are acceptable if they form a new word (therefore "asshole" is
acceptable, but "
stupid ass"
or "ass, stupid" is not acceptable).
- Correct spelling should be used (for example "idiot" is acceptable, but
idioooooot" is not acceptable).
- The standard rules for capitalization should be used. This means most words
are spelled in lower case letters. (This means "asshole" is acceptable,
but "
ASSHOLE" or "Asshole" is not acceptable.)
- In the English language, there are in usually three options for writing compound words:
solid (for example "pigfucker"),
hyphenated (for example "pig-fucker") or
open (as in "pig fucker").
For each word, only one spelling should be added to the insult listing.
In general, that should be the spelling which is used most often, as could be
determined by checking dictionaries or searching the Internet.
In this example, the most common spelling is probably "pigfucker".
- Only words which are used in the English language should be used. (For example "asshole"
is acceptable, but "
мудак" is not acceptable).
- Racist words should be avoided.
- For each word on the list, at least one web address has to be given as a reference to prove
that the word actually exists and that it is an insult. A suitable reference is for example
a website on which the respective insult is used.
To prevent link-rot, beginng November 2022, only archived websites from the Internet Archive are acceptable as references.
For example the website at
is not acceptable because
there is no guarantee that this website will be available forever since it might be modified, moved or deleted at any time.
But the archived version at
is acceptable.
This means when you want to add a new insult to the list, you fist have to find a website where this insult is shown
and then you have to check at if an archived version of the website is available.
Adding an additional insult
You can use the following form for adding a new insult to the list.
Copyright information
All contributions to are considered to be
released into the public domain under the
CC0 1.0 Universal
Public Domain Dedication.
This means everybody may freely copy the information.